Chiropractic for athletes

It is amazing how many budding athletes are here in the Valley- many that have achieved incredible titles (we even boast an Olympic athlete as a patient). Whether elite or just starting out- we are always impressed by how many of our patients make the effort to stay active.

While it is fantastic to do exercise we all need to be careful not to do too much of any one activity (for example always using the same leg to kick a soccer ball). This could lead to an imbalance in our biomechanics and increase our chance of injury.

World-class professional athletes seek chiropractic care to achieve optimal health and physical performance. But you don’t need to be a professional athlete to benefit from chiropractic care. In fact, chiropractic care can help enhance the enjoyment and effectiveness of your physical activity, regardless of what level of activity you participate in.


Chiropractic adjustments improves the motion of the spine, thus improving the function of the nervous system it protects. Proper spinal motion leads to better sensori-motor integration (allowing the brain to take in and appropriately respond to sensory input), and boosting the body’s overall performance.


The best way to deal with injuries is to prevent them! Chiropractic, by helping maintain proper motion, balance and coordination of the musculoskeletal system, can help to prevent injuries related to poor function. A simple example of this would be a tendency to tear a hamstring muscle that is tighter than it should be due to nerve irritation coming from the lumbar spine.


Misalignments of the spine can hamper the healing process. Much of the pain felt after an injury comes from the body trying to protect itself through muscle guarding and inflammation. These intelligent responses are part of the body’s protective mechanisms. They are designed, in the short-term, to prevent re-injury. Sometimes these mechanisms persist, and when they do, they prevent your return to normal activity that is associated with healing. Chiropractic care, by helping to restore normal function, can help speed up the recovery process.

Image: Samford Chiro patient- Amaya- one of our young elite athletes


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